
Can Robotic Dolls Sing and Smile?

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Sex dolls have amazing beauty

The latest robotic real sex doll is the head of singing and smiling - you can control it with your smartphone. The company wants to make an English version. The model has an "amazing beauty" look and can be used to listen and answer questions using speech recognition software.

The urdolls robot head contains a removable mechanical structure coated with silicone "skin". The company mainly produces whole body dolls, "In the past two years, we have been seeking true touch, the real feeling of silicon dolls, enhancing bones Become lighter - these adult-sized doll heads and weight are equivalent to five stones.

The angry creator is disgusted with the way his adult sex toys are handled by "excessively excited" punters. The 36-year-old man from Holyhead, Wales, spent nearly four years working with the creator Dr. on the robot, which uses artificial intelligence to interact with “partners”.

We can still use sensor pads and electronics for six to seven years - it can take up to ten years before the prototype is built. He said that media interest has generated additional sales, including couples and seniors who bought silicone dolls. He added that the highest sales are single men.

The company said people called these items "strange" and "metamorphic." But the father of the two men responded to his critics and said his wife has always been very supportive. This is an opportunity to move the toy development to the next level, which has been quietly happening behind the scenes for 10 to 15 years.

It's revolutionary, it's a game rule changer - from the game player's point of view, it's like a new console is being released. This is the next step in reality, it is at the forefront of adult technology, really VR's Bugatti Veyron. ”

He said that we are unlikely to see "real sex robots" soon because they are too heavy and expensive. But he said that this prototype is the latest step towards "the next layer of very natural realism." The manufacturer has completed the prototype of the Japanese doll robot head, which contains a movable mechanical structure coated with silicone "skin".

They are also committed to facial gestures, narratives and interactions. Sex robots have attracted a lot of media attention. She was treated rudely: a £3,500 sex robot developer complained that TPE sex doll were harassed by “barbarians” at the electronics show.

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